Large private house
This extensive house and estate were taken over by new owners who recognised the need to create new gardens and to encourage wildlife and a balanced ecology. Previously the large, grassed areas had been cut on a regular basis and a monoculture of conifers and laurel dominated the garden.
There was no formal garden or interesting planting, and the design brief was to create both as well as a greenhouse, a new walled garden, new borders, an extended terrace and outdoor eating area, and to allow the lawned areas to the front of the property to grow naturally and be managed with mown paths and twice yearly topping and removing of the cuttings. We planted a concentric circles in the grass that included different types of Allium, Camassia Lilies and wild flowers. This transformed the area and in turn encouraged insects, butterflies, birds, Hares and others.
The rear of the house was framed by hoggin paths, a new terrace, low walls and mixed planting of grasses and perennials.
The walled garden was filled with climbing roses, a large arched walkway, raised beds and a large greenhouse.
The orchard was renovated and restored and we helped to install beehives which were managed by a local beekeeper.